Lili, Short Film, Review And Interview
Posted by Sykes
There is a lot of emotion tied up when having to audition or interview, especially when it is getting to the make or break point. It can also be a time when people will attempt to exercise their supposed strength to get what they desire. Then there comes a time when there is just too much and you have to take control of the situation. Lili demonstrates what it means when the victimized stand up and fight back.
I watched Lili at the 2019 FilmQuest film festival (website). It won for Best Actress (Lisa Smit) and Yfke van Berckelaer was nominated for the Minerva Award.
Lili is a nerve hitting short film that, with the wonderful performance by Lisa Smit, expresses the underlying feelings and desire many have when they are put in a position of victimization, it is something everyone should see and understand.
Synopsis: Lili (Lisa Smit—Netflix's Ares) knows she has to nail this audition. The Man (Derek de Lint—Soldier of Orange/The Unbearable Lightness of Being) she auditions for, knows this too. Thus, starts an uncomfortable cat and mouse game in this single take #metoo horror, about power, the misuse of power and female empowerment.
Yfke van Berckelaer shares the inspiration for Lili, other insights into her work, her greater inspirations, and even herself.
What was the inspiration for Lili?
With Lili I wanted to do two things. First, I wanted to portray what it's like to be stuck in a #metoo situation and how hard it is to get out of. That's why the movie is one take that slowly creeps in, to really trap the audience in there with Lili. Second, it was important to me to make a movie in which the woman isn't the victim. I wanted to leave the audience with the knowledge that we're stronger than we think, that we're not gonna take this shit anymore and that if need be we will fight (or in this case bite) back!
What project(s) do you have coming up you're excited about?
I'd definitely love to do more within the world of Lili because I feel that is a lot more to tell and explore in that area. So basically, something with kick-ass women and a fair amount of blood :-) I'm also shopping around a sci-fi hair-metal kick-boxing musical that I'm dying to make!
What was your early inspiration for pursuing a career in film?
My earliest memory is of wanting to be a princess who also took care of animals, basically because I wanted to wear pink sparkling dresses and pet cats all day. Little did I know that once you're an adult you can totally do that without actually having to marry a prince! I grew up watching The Dark Crystal and The Never Ending Story on pretty much a daily basis and always wanted to be a part of that world, I just didn't know that that was something that someone could do. Once I realized I actually could by becoming a filmmaker, that was it and I never looked back.
What would be your dream project?
Something with epic battle scenes so that when you get to yell 'action' two giant armies will rush towards each other and clash. Of course, one side would have battle tigers and the other a dinosaur or two, and there will be most probably be some winged creatures involved as well. Preferably all practical :-)
What are some of your favorite pastimes when not working on a movie?
Watching movies, talking about movies and eating hamburgers.
What is one of your favorite movies and why?
I've definitely watched Lord of the Rings more times than should be humanly good for someone (extended editions of course). In fact, I might go watch them again right now. Nobody talk to me for like the next 12 hours!
You can find more about Lili on IMDb (link).
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