A Fresh-faced Warmaster Army  

Posted by Sykes

I finished the leather on the dwarves this week, man did that suck. There's just a bunch of tiny leather details everywhere. Anyway, the base-coat for the flesh is down now so it's that and the hair, plus decals and basing.

Warmaster Dwarves Warmaster Dwarf Command Warmaster Dwarf General

It's unlikely that I'll get to these before Fall In! but they're playable at least.

Warmaster Dwarf Artillery Warmaster Dwarf Butts Warmaster Dwarf Thunderer Hero Warmaster Dwarf Anvil of Doom (+2)


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    Navarre, GUNshine State, FLAWada... Homie, United States
    What up?!?! This is me, Sykes. Not really a lot here. I'm a daddy to two of the greatest little monsters in the world. I'm a full time Animal Control Officer, aspiring record producer, and always HIP-HOP. Check me out.